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Dark Star %}
How does one convince
an intelligent, talking
bomb not to blow up?

Googie Architecture
"One of the teachers, after hearing a bit about the Icehouse
system, decided she wanted to run a game design class in her
classroom using Icehouse pieces. The idea was very well received
by the rest of the people at our table, and generated more than
a bit of buzz. I could have sold twice as much Treehouse as I
was sent, after that." -- Trey
Reilly, from her NAGC event report
Happy Birthday and Farewell,
Josh! |

is a picture of Josh
Drobina, who's been working as our Rabbit Coordinator for
a year now. Josh is stepping down from that position, and
will be moving back to his hometown of Athens Ohio by this time
next week. We're sure going to miss him!
If you saw us at any of this summer's trade shows (in particular,
& GenCon),
you'll remember how great Josh was during those events, coordinating
the schedules, running the Lab, and tending to the needs of the
Rabbits. You'll probably also remember how jovial and fun Josh
is to talk to, and what great hugs he gives. Josh is a really
nice guy.
Obviously, his departure leaves us even more short-handed
than we've been, and we'll all be needing to pick up the slack
where we can. Of particular note is the fact that Carol
will be taking over the official title of Rabbit Coordinator.
(Rabbits, please direct your questions to her henceforth, and
please be patient with her, since she just donned that hat!)
Josh has been great to have around for other reasons, too.
He set up a couple of tie-dying
parties for our friends, and even ran a tie-dye class one
day at the Burgundy
Center for Wildlife Studies (the camp Alison
works at every summer). He was part of the playtesting sessions
during which we redesigned
Just Desserts, where his input and suggestions were often
helpful, and once when he asked me what game I might design next,
I became inspired with ideas that lead to the creation of Martian
On a personal note, Josh has been the only one in our office
willing to take on the challenge of playing against me in Binary
Homeworlds. (What's more, he's gotten so good at the game
that he's been regularly kicking my ass!) A good Homeworlds opponent
is hard to find, and I'm sad to be losing regular contact with
a Starship Captain as good as Josh. He's also one of our weekly
poker players, so I'm going to miss playing that game with him,
Anyway, we wish Josh all the best in his next adventures!
Good luck Dude! We'll miss you!
However, before we could let Josh leave, we had to celebrate
his birthday! Why? Because it was also my
birthday! Actually, our birthdays are 2 days apart... but
that's close enough. Since mine was the 5th and his was the 3rd,
and the day in-between was a Saturday this year, it seemed like
destiny that we should have a joint party on the 4th. So, we
Although I love eating out in restaurants, I find that I'm
happiest and most comfortable when I'm in my own space, being
the host. Also, while there are plenty of dining establishments
that offer my two favorite foods -- steak and cake -- in many
excellent formats, there are none that make them quite as I like
them. So I decided to hold a small Festival of Grilled Meats
for my own birthday, and to do the grilling myself! Announcing
the times for Steak, Cake, and Gaming, I invited friends and
family to drop in for whichever phases of the party they were
interested in, and the loose format worked out splendidly. Along
with other accompaniments, I served up my version of steak (top
round grilled rare, cut into bite-sized cubes and served in communal
bowls) and cake (chocolate
angel food, cooked by Alison, eaten all at once by a fork-wielding
mob). As for the games, we were up late playing Martian Hold'em,
and before that I got in some Homeworlds, some Fluxx
Espanol (using a newly-arrived real deck!) and even a couple
of games of good old original Chess, against my Dad, using a
cool hand-carved set he and Mom had just gifted me with.
next day (on my actual birthday), we went to an art opening featuring
the works of our friend Rich Potter, at a local hang-out called
the New Deal Cafe. We enjoyed all of the whimsical images he
had on display, but we were particularly interested in the Treehouse painting
he had created, inspired by my game Treehouse... we're considering
making some posters advertising our different games, the first
of which would be a scene of kids playing Treehouse in an actual
Treehouse. It's hard to say when we might actually make such
posters, or if we'll really create one using Rich's art, but
it's cool to see his vision nonetheless. People at the opening
seemed to think it was one of Rich's most compelling pieces.
(If you live near Greenbelt, go check out Rich's
show, it will be up until November 26th.)
other news, our country just had an election! (The fact that
Election Day falls so close to our birthdays was part of what
made Josh and I realize that we have this in common... although
it didn't happen to either of us this year, we both know what
it's like to have an Election on your birthday.)
Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the election results... it's
still hard to believe the Republicans lost both houses of Congress!
Yay! That said, I am sad about the failure of the Nevada and
Colorado initiatives to legalize marijuana, but even there I
find cause for optimism: Our side got 40% of the vote in Colorado
and 44% in Las Vegas, and although we failed again, the margins
are getting tantalizingly close. This is clearly no longer a
fringe movement... almost half of the voters now agree with us,
and all we need is to get 51% onto our side. And while progress
is slower than we'd like, opinions are moving in the right direction.
years ago, a similar initiative was similarly defeated in
Nevada, but that time we only got 39% of the vote. At a growth
rate of 5% every 4 years, we'll fail again in 2010, but by 2014
we'll have an easy majority. And that's assuming the movement
doesn't increase speed. So despite the disappointment, I'm still
optimistic, particularly since 10
local-level marijuana reform initiatives did pass! Victory
is inevitable! And the Democrats control Congress! Whoo-hoo!
Like most birthdays, I got some of the things I wanted, but
of course not everything. (For one thing, as I just mentioned,
I only got some of the results I was hoping for in the election.)
As usual, no one gave me that airline ticket to Amsterdam
I'm always putting on my wishlist; however, I did get something
extremely cool which I've been drooling over for years: TIVO!
Many of my friends have wondered why I haven't jumped onto
the Tivo bandwagon sooner, since it's obviously so cool and since
so many other people have already upgraded at this point. But
it's precisely because of my geeky obsessions that I've been
able to survive without Tivo all this time; Being both a clockwatcher
and a skilled VCR programmer, I haven't really been drawn to
Tivo for its easy programming options. No, the thing I dig is
the luxury of always being able to rewind a few seconds to see
what I just missed. As a dedicated multi-tasker, I frequently
fail to catch important visual stuff because I tend to listen
to the tube more than I actually stare at it. But now, I can
go back and actually see what I'm used to having to imagine!
(Yes, I know, most of you already take these joys for granted...
but it's wonderfully new for me!)
Another reason I haven't minded being slow in adapting to
Tivo is because I knew that integrating Tivo into my home entertainment
setup was going to be a nightmare, and it was indeed quite a
Over the years, I've been slowly expanding my stereo system,
component by component, and at this point I have quite a complex
network of machines scattered around the house, interconnected
with a maze of wires and hidden connections. To help me keep
track of it all, I have often drawn up complex routing diagrams,
and I had to create a new one this weekend, after tearing down
and rebuilding a big section of my equipment rack to install
Tivo. Since I figure some of my readers might be interested in
seeing my diagram, I'm posting it here:
As I said, I've been creating diagrams like this every time
I do a major rebuild of my stereo... if you enjoyed that last
diagram, you'll probably also like this one:
I made this diagram in 1991, when I was working at NASA and
learning to use clip art software to create graphical presentations.
You will note that this reflects a time in my life when a) I
still listened to record albums and b) I had 2 turntables in
my system because Kristin and I had gotten married and merged
our stereo equipment into one setup. Although not shown in detail
on the new chart, several of the devices seen on the 1991 diagram
are still in use, including the mixer, the receiver, the dual-deck
cassette, and one of the turntables (although no one has used
it to play a record in a very long time).
Anyway, having torn apart, redesigned, rebuilt, and re-documented
my home entertainment center, I'm now ready to kick back and
enjoy the wonderful world of Tivo. Thank you so very much, Robin
and Kristin!
Thanks for reading, and have a great week! |

Hold'em-obsessed Prisoner fans (a narrow audience, I realize)
will appreciate the nickname I'm pioneering for pocket sixes:
Schizoid Man. (We use many such nicknames at our table, including
the Hammer (7-2 off-suit), Snowman Taterlegs (8-3 off-suit) and
Dave's Fave's (5-5)). Schizoid Man has become my new favorite
hand (following a string of bad beats with my previous favorite
hand, Two Ladies (Q-Q)). |
"A former NASA scientist by the name of Andy Looney
became the hero of the revolution that never happened, for he
did not return from the past empty-handed. He had brought back
artifacts which, when studied by the same team of scientists
and engineers who had studied and re-created the original Time
Chamber, offered incontrovertible proof that the timeline had
indeed been altered and somehow miraculously restored." -- snippet of a short story written by Jim
Dunaway and posted to the Chrononauts Mailing List recently,
titled "History of the Time Repair Agency" |

"There's no real point in destroying poppies in Afghanistan,
because they'll just get planted elsewhere: so long as heroin
is illegal, the price will be high enough that people somewhere
will grow it. Even if it is ideologically impossible for
the United States to end its foolish, unwinnable 'war on drugs,'
it should have turned a blind eye in Afghanistan. But it
didn't. For the past five years a shadowy outfit called
DynCorps has been destroying the poppy-fields of southern Afghanistan's
poorest farmers with U.S. and British military support.
This was an opportunity the Taliban could not resist, and the
alliance between Taliban fighters and poppy-farmers (now often
the same people) is at the root of the resurgent guerrilla war
in the south." -- Gwynne Dyer, "A
Modest Proposal For Afghanistan" |