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Poison Fart Frog
weazen (wee'-zen) v.i.
to shrink or shrivel, to cause to shrink.
The Butterfly Effect %}
Dude, where's my timeline?
A creepy modern gothic
that frat boys won't like.
The TrueMajority
OREO Video

Foglio - Girl Genius
"I collect games and LOVE your site and
love your values, and really appreciate what you had to say re:
children, youth, blah blah - really great stuff! Couldn't have
said it better myself!" -- email accompanying an
order from Pam of Fayetteville, AR

- Our messages about Stoner
Fluxx to: Children,
Adults, Adults,
and Activists
- Deerlike-Thing
by Alison
- The Ember Update: Pirates'
Feast, Censure, Contact
- GinohnNews: Geoff's
Play, Bye Terri, and Superblivion
- This month's Hero
- One new Tombstoner
Getting Ready for Toy Fair |
from the middle of another busy week! The first big trade show
of the year is now a matter of days away, and getting ready for
that is starting to dominate everything else around here.
Here's a picture of Marlene
showing off the new brochure she created this week, called "Marlene's
Guide to Icehouse." Since Marlene's favorite Icehouse game
is Volcano, she used the back of this brochure to promote that
game, including a summary of the rules along with a really cool
Volcano board. The idea is to encourage Icehouse new-comers to
start out with either IceTowers
or Zendo and then
add on Volcano with 2 more stashes and this brochure.
Not only are we making new marketing materials for Toy Fair,
we're also making appointments in advance. This obviously-good
idea is one we've never done before, since we've never had someone
on our team who was good at that sort of thing (or, as we like
to say, has the "sales gene") but now that Ali
Summers (who totally has the sales gene) is working for us
(and who just joined Ginohn's
Graveyard), buyers are being called, and appointments are
being set up! Amazing!
As for me, I'm still pounding away at the development of Early
American Chrononauts, which I've promised to deliver in time
for sale at Origins. I'd like to apologize again to everyone
who volunteered to playtest it... previously I said I'd be putting
up PDFs of preliminary prototype cards, and we've changed our
minds about doing that. This game is coming together so quickly
and the playtest cards look so real now that we've become wary
of digitally releasing the whole game as such. Also, the more
I polish up the design, the more pieces I'm finding I want to
finish up before sending it out for playtesting. Previously I
was thinking that I'd be sending out a partly-finished work-in-progress
which might change dramatically before final publication, but
the gaps I struggled with on the Timeline have filled in nicely
and the local playtesting has been going really well, so now
I'm kinda thinking that the beta-test will be one more of proofreading
than of serious playtesting. (Which makes sense anyway, since
the game mechanics are fundamentally unchanged.)
Anyway, I'm still hoping to send *something* to my playtesters
before we head off to Toy Fair... but no promises.
Have a great week!
Here's a photo I just took of Alison's Pond... compare it to
the snowed-in version from a week
ago! |
"As a fighter pilot in the Air
National Guard, Mr. Bush was required not just to report for
duty but to log a minimum number of hours of flying time per
month to maintain his qualifications to fly. Based on a number
of newspaper accounts and official records obtained through the
Freedom of Information Act, he did not show up for duty and was
grounded for not taking a required annual physical exam. His
failure to report for duty as ordered and to log his flying hours
to maintain his state of readiness as a fighter pilot when others
his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam calls into question
his character and traits as a leader. Although Mr. Bush was never
penalized for shirking his duty, his conduct is relevant today
in that it casts doubt on his credibility as our commander in
chief. It should not be ignored by the media."
-- John P. Soder Jr., "Mr.
Bush's Guard Service" |
"It's more than a little ironic that, just a week after
the President uses the State of the Union Address to rail against
performance-enhancing drugs, we hold a Steroid Bowl brought to
you by - you guessed it - performance enhancing drugs. It all
comes back to the "what's-your-pleasure" hypocrisy
in this country. If your pleasure is the slurry, cheery buzz
of an apple martini, you're legal and accepted. If it's the serene,
introspective buzz of a joint or, say, the warm, itchy buzz of
Vicodin, then you're illegal and unaccepted. If you want to risk
taking a pill to get your penis hard, "ask your doctor,"
but if you want to risk taking a pill to get your biceps hard,
pee in this cup and turn in your locker room key. We all have
our reasons for ingesting what we ingest. We are a nation dependent
upon drugs to act as an antidote to everything from our boredom
and depression to our impotence and the poisoning effects of
our toxic food supply. To arbitrarily single out certain drugs
and certain drug users as immoral, while others skate (and profitably
I might add) is a complete hypocrisy."--
Bill Maher's
blog, January 30, 2004 |
"Over the years new equipment and additional
astronauts would be sent to join the original crew. In time,
the colony would grow to the point of being self-sustaining.
When this stage was reached, humanity would have a precious insurance
policy against catastrophe at home. During the next millennium
there is a significant chance that civilization on Earth will
be destroyed by an asteroid, a killer plague or a global war.
A Martian colony could keep the flame of civilization and culture
alive until Earth could be reverse-colonized from Mars. Would
NASA entertain a one-way policy for human Mars exploration? Probably
not. But other, more adventurous space agencies in Europe or
Asia might." -- Paul Davies, "The
Next Giant Leap For Mankind Won't Come Without Risk" |