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- The Rattlestake
jument (joo'-ment) n.
an animal, especially one used for transporting loads or doing
other heavy work; a beast of burden. [from Latin jumentum
"beast of burden," also a root of the French word jument

The Interpreter :|
This film is tainted
by Hollywood's hackneyed card--
"Get out of jail free."
Visit to Expo '67
"I think these are the greatest games ever made. My friends
and I used to play Chrononauts in our US History class when the
teacher gave us study time. 'Hey Mr. Vargish... I just killed
Hitler!'" -- Kelly
Cooley's Rabbit bio
Looking for Summer Help |
that summer is almost here, we're realizing we have an opportunity
to hire some help. Students need summer jobs, and we need help
with all the work we're trying to get done, so, we're looking
to hire some summertime help!
We actually have an amazing 4 (four!) positions open right
now. We really need another part-time PHP
programmer to help Craig and Robin finish building SuperFRED,
and Kristin is looking for an even more part-time Macintosh
SysAdmin to fix a few things, and then help manage our fancy
new Mac server. Also, just for the summer, in conjunction with
our PR consultant Ann Higgins, we are offering a professional
Relations internship. Lastly, I'm looking for a Packing
Assistant. I'm using the rest of this article to talk about
that fourth job; please check out our Help
Wanted page for more details on the other three.
As regular readers of this webzine know, we are actively working
on packing up our stuff so we can sell our house and move. However,
progress has been painfully slow thus far, due to the enormity
of the task (we have really quite a lot of stuff) and the pressures
of our entrepreneurial enterprise. Therefore, in order to help
speed things up, Kristin has authorized me to hire an assistant!
Andy Looney's Packing Assistant will help me out with an assortment
of packing-related tasks. Part of why the relocation project
is moving so slowly is because of the meticulous approach I'm
using to packing: everything must be carefully inventoried and
documented, since it is expected that the Wunderland.Earth collection
will be in deep storage for some span of years. A big part of
the Assistant's job will be using bar-code scanning software
to build a database of all of the books in our personal library.
Computer and typing skills therefore are a must, and you need
to be able to work on a Macintosh, since we're a Mac household.
The job only pays minimum wage, and you only get to work 20
hours a week... we just can't afford any more than that. But
you'll also get some free games... and who knows what else we
might find in the attic that you'll talk me into giving you!
We DO want to get rid of stuff, after all. Part of the job of
packing is purging.
Obviously, whoever gets this job will need to be someone I
can feel comfortable working with, you know, someone I can really
trust, and considering that I'm an eccentric and sometimes-cranky
introvert, this may not be an easy task. You'll need to be a
self-starter who can work independently (since I'm often asleep during
traditional work hours) and also be someone who can cope with
micro-management by an obsessive, detail-oriented perfectionist.
But hopefully it will be a fun job even though I am a control
freak... do you like to play games?
I'm not saying we'll be playing games on the clock, but then
again you never know when I'll be wanting to playtest something.
(Plus of course, I'm always searching for Binary
Homeworlds opponents...)
so who wants a part-time job?
Send email to TheLab or letters to PO box 761, 20741.
That's all for now. Have a Great Week,
and Thanks for Playing our Games!
PS: Please show this page to anyone you know who might be
interested in any of these jobs, since we would love to have
several good resumes to choose between, and it's already mid-May...
PPS: Congrats to my brother Howard on his Ph.D! Way to go,
"Washington's 'war on drugs' in Colombia is collapsing
in chaos and corruption, and the drug producers are winning.
The so-called Plan Colombia, which has cost the US more than
$3bn (UKP 1.6bn) in the past five years, is being abandoned,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced. Last year,
the hugely expensive effort to poison coca bushes -- whose leaves
are the source of cocaine -- by aerial spraying ended in failure.
More bushes were flourishing in January this year than in January
2004. Meanwhile, complaints have multiplied about the damage
done by the chemical poisons to the health of humans, especially
children, as well as to livestock, fish and the environment.
Plan Colombia was designed to eradicate narcotics, control powerful
left-wing guerrillas and strengthen the position of the US military
in South America. The scheme was eventually expected to
cost $7.5bn." -- Hugh O'Shaughnessy, "America's
Drug Plan Collapses In Chaos" |
"Did you know that there now exists in the public domain
a 'smoking gun' memo, which proves that everything the Bush administration
said about the Iraq invasion was a lie? If you live in Britain
you probably do, but if you live in the United States, chances
are minuscule that you would be aware of this. Think about that
for a second. Apart from 9/11, has there been a more important
story in the last decade than that the president lied to the
American people about the reasons for invading Iraq, and then
proceeded to plunge the country into an illegal war which has
alienated the rest of the world, lit a fire under the war's victims
and the Islamic world generally, turning them into enemy combatants,
locked up virtually all American land forces in a war without
end in sight, cost $300 billion and counting, taken over 1600
American lives on top of more than 15,000 gravely wounded, and
killed perhaps 100,000 Iraqis?" -- David
Michael Green, "Stop
the Crime of the Century" |
"A 250,000-square-foot supercenter with a 16-acre parking
lot will produce 413,000 gallons of storm runoff for every inch
of rain. Each year, such a lot would dump 240 pounds of nitrogen,
32 pounds of phosphorus, and 5 pounds of zinc into local watersheds
while creating heat islands. Once Wal-Mart stifles its competition
in a region, it consolidates its holdings by vacating many of
its stores. To limit competitors in the future, the leases of
these dark Wal-Marts prevent them from being used for retail.
Other uses for these massive, windowless structures are limited.
As of February 2004, Wal-Mart possesses 371 dead stores. Half
of these buildings have been vacant for at least two years, and
21 percent have been vacant for more than 5 years. Over that
time, the number of dead Wal-Marts has risen 38 percent. Meanwhile,
Wal-Mart opens a new store every 48 hours."
-- Stephanie Pool, "Wal-Mart:
What A Bargain" |