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Punk: Attitude :)
Leaves a few bands out,
but still brings back memories
of my wasted youth.
The Amazing
Chronology of Props and Product Usage
"That's gotta be the best 20 minutes
of chaotic, concentrated fun I've had all weekend." -- Brett
Nicholas, commenting on Giant Circular Fluxx at GenCon
2005 (as reported by Marc
Playtesting Giant Circular
Fluxx @ GenCon |
since announcing the Fluxx
Buxx contest, which challenges you to play Fluxx with as
many different people as you can, I've been thinking about a
way to do that literally, i.e. to allow a large group of people
to play Fluxx
together at the same time.
Just before Gen-Con, I came up with an idea for something
similar to a M:tG "Grand Melee" game, which I called
Giant Circular Fluxx. I didn't have time to do any playtesting
(other than some late-night test cases with me and some stuffed
animals gathered at the game room table) so I quickly whipped
up some written rules and sent 'em off for playtesting at Gen-Con
with Kristin and Alison.
I myself skipped Gen-Con this year (I decided to stay home
instead, to focus on packing for the move),
so again I have to imagine what it was like... but from what
I'm hearing, it was a big success!
Taking charge of the playtesting in my place were Julie Haehn
and Marc Hartstein. Thanks Julie
& Mark!
And thanks to everyone who played! Thanks for putting up with
the bumps of playtesting, and for suggesting various tweaks and
improvements to the rules!
Mark sent me a huge playtesting report, filled with comments
and improvements they came up with, and I haven't finished the
task of incorporating his suggestions into my first draft of
the rules. I'm planning to get that done and posted here by next
week, since I need to have the next revision of the rules ready
for playtesting at Dragon*Con.
(BTW, I'm skipping that event this year, too.)
I'm sure you're curious about how 32 people can all play Fluxx together
at once, so here's a brief overview.
Everybody sits in one big circle, and everybody is playing
in one big game... but it's also kind of like you're playing
a regular sized game with just 3 or 4 other people. There's this
concept called the Zone of Control (ZoC) and you are only affected
by cards that fall within your ZoC. So, no matter how many people
are in the game, when you play an Action, the effects of that
Action are limited to the person on either side of you, just
as if you and those other 2 people were all alone, playing a
3 player game.
Things get a little more complex with the handling of the
New Rules and Goals. Players sitting in certain positions are
called Goalies, and they're in charge, as it were, of the current
Goal for the people nearby. Similarly, other players are called
Deck Captains, and they'll have the Draw, Discard, and Rule piles
in their space, holding sway over the players near the Captain.
The Goalies and Captains get the unique ability to choose, when
their turns begin, which rules they'll live under (if they're
a Goalie) and which Goal they'll be eligible for (if they're
a Captain) during that turn. And since these different roles
in the game will be coveted, a call of Musical Chairs will periodically
shift all players one seat in the opposite direction of the turn
Speaking of the turn order, Giant Circular Fluxx also has
turn markers, to denote whose turn it currently is. There will
be one turn marker for every 4 players in the game, meaning that
multiple people will be taking turns at the same time! You can't
start your turn if there's another Turn Marker within your Zone
of Control, so bottlenecks can (and did) sometimes occur, but
it still allows for lots of exciting, simultaneous action.
Of course, it would be pretty silly if the whole game ended
as soon as someone achieved a Goal somewhere, so in GCF, the
object is to collect as many victory points as you can during
the allotted time for the game (20 minutes apparently tested
well). Whenever someone achieved a Goal, Mark had them yell "Goal!,"
holding up both arms in a victory gesture that also reminded
the Controllers to go give them their victory point token. Whoever
had the most tokens when the time ran out was the overall winner!
Well, that's the gist of it... if I get the detailed rules
page done before next Thursday, I'll post the URL to the Fluxx
mailing list.
are, admittedly, some downsides to playing Fluxx this way. Not
only do you need a big stack of Fluxx decks (1 for every 4 players)
but the cards also tend to get mingled together during the game.
Obviously, this leaves you with a complex sorting job when the
game is done. Fortunately, our Rabbit Coordinator Russell
just happens to be a 16th level Sorter...
Here we see Julie and Marc and Mike contemplating rules tweaks
while Russell and his team of sorting Rabbits prepare the decks
for the next round.
for the rest of GenCon, it sounds like it was also a great success.
Sure, there were undoubtedly some people who never found us,
since our Little Experiment room was hard to find, and we were
continuing the No-Booth
experiment of 2005 (by not having a booth of our own but
partnering with 5 other vendors to sell our games for us). Again,
as at Origins,
the booths offering Looney
Games were giving away promo cards as part of our scavenger
hunt, and again they had a great time making card-requesters
earn their promo card by performing various stunts.
But we did miss having a booth of our own. One of the drawbacks
was that our name didn't appear on the Exhibitor's List, and
since we also didn't put an ad in the program book this time,
some people probably assumed Looney Labs wasn't even there. But
we have other ways of attracting attention, like playing giant
out in the hall. Also, our Rabbits
had these great little flyers (called Lab Reports) in the pockets
of their lab coats, which they gave away as they wandered the
We had an awesome team of Rabbits working at this event:
Thanks to everyone for all your help in throwing
a rockin' good party at Gen-Con! (Thanks also to Peter and Joshua
(we don't have their pictures yet) and to anyone else we've forgotten!) |
for playing our games and reading our webzine, and have a great
week! |
"With American sons in the fields far away, with America's
future under challenge right here at home, with our hopes and
the world's hopes for peace in the balance every day, I do not
believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any
personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome
duties of this office -- the Presidency of your country. Accordingly,
I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my
party for another term as your President."
-- LBJ's "Renunciation
Speech," delivered on March 31, 1968 |
"I think it's also important for me to go on with my
life, to keep a balanced life. So I'm mindful of what goes on
around me. On the other hand, I'm also mindful that I've got
a life to live and will do so." -- George
W. Bush, on his refusal to take time out from a 5-week vacation
to see the grieving mother of a dead soldier camped out on the
edge of his ranch (seen quoted in "Biking
Toward Nowhere" by Maureen Dowd) |
"I too suffer from migraines and daily chronic headaches
and through this past year, and many many MANY different types
of costly prescription medications, herbs, accupressure, acupuncture,
chiropractor, massages, you name it I'm sure I tried it, weed
still seems to be the only thing that instantly relieves most
of my pain. I can't say enough how much I appreciate your devotion
to this cause as there will be millions who will benefit from
this." -- email from a reader named Elisa |