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- The Bubblebee
sartorial (sar-tor'-ee-al) adj.
of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes; broadly: of or
relating to clothes. [from Latin sartor "tailor."]

Serenity :|
A nice cyber-punk-
rocket-goth film gets messed up
by dumb space zombies.
DefCon America
"I first discovered Looney Labs when Chrononauts was
first being talked about. I saw some info on it in a retailer
solicitation and it sounded like the coolest game ever! And it
is! Since then I have continued to search out all Looney Labs
games... I also got a girl to date me and fall in love with me
over Chrononauts. 'Got' is a bad choice of words, but the promo
card I gave her certainly helped me appeal to her. Viva La Chrononauts!
Thank you for the love of my life." -- Daniel
Cisek's rabbit bio
Andrew Looney's Interactive
Literature Souvenir Sampler Packet |

I explained in articles I posted last week, I was involved with
"Interactive Literature" games (now commonly known
as Live Action Role Playing games, or LARPs)
between 1983 and 1997. Regular readers also know that I'm gradually
cleaning out the attic in preparation for moving.
Some of the stuff in the attic has been up there for 15 years,
and I recently pulled out a couple of boxes filled with leftover
parts and supplies from my old SIL/LARP days. Fake money of all
kinds, simulated objects of various sorts, booklets of rules
and other interesting information... all sorts of stuff, from
all sorts of games.
So what I've done is to sort through those boxes and pull
together a sampling of a whole bunch of these artifacts, and
build them into little packets. I was able to make 10 of these
before I started running out of the really cool items. I'll be
selling one of these every now and then, on eBay, starting this
For a complete list of the 79 objects these packets contain,
check out the project
eBay page (or the actual
listing). You can also click on the image to get a high-rez
this week, we went up to the Ledew Topiary Gardens, a fabulous
old-guy's estate north of Baltimore, which features 22 acres
of "the most outstanding Topiary Gardens in America."
It's a wonderful, beautiful place, with all these fabulous landscaped
gardens filled with living sculptures (plus some regular ones,
too) not to mention ponds and fountains and even small structures.
It reminded me of a visit to Portmeirion, "The Village"
where the classic TV series "The Prisoner" was filmed.
(Our visit to Portmeirion in 1993 pre-dates my web-journaling,
so I have no travelogue
of that to link to as yet.)
There were many beautiful things to see at Ledew Gardens,
and many topiaries that were more interesting and elaborate than
the ones shown here; but these were my favorites, simply because
they looked like gigantic Icehouse
for reading, have a great week, and Don't Forget to Play! |
I think loyalty is over-rated. Leaders value loyalty in those
under them, because it demands instant forgiveness of mistakes
and flaws. But loyalty has too often let bad rulers stay in power,
and has allowed unjust policies go unchallenged for too long.
At some point, loyalty becomes a burden and must be discarded.
How long does the colonist stay loyal to the King? At what point
does the ancient Roman turn his back on Zeus to begin following
Jesus? How far into the graveyard does the loyal German follow
Hitler? And how many more people must die in Iraq before loyal
Republicans turn against Bush? |
I value bravery much more than loyalty. It takes bravery
to challenge authority and to speak up with unwelcome opinions,
all the more so when surrounded by staunch loyalty. Bravery is
what it takes to speak out against those in power, even when
they are wrong. Loyalty is what keeps the powerful in power,
even when they are wrong. |
"In everyday life many human problems stem from people's
preoccupation with the past and the future, rather than the present.
Disasters provide a temporary liberation from the worries, inhibitions,
and anxieties associated with the past and the future because
they force people to concentrate their full attention on immediate
moment-to-moment, day-to-day needs. [This shift in awareness]
speeds the process of decision-making [and] facilitates the acceptance
of change." -- Charles Fritz, from his 1961
study, "Disasters and Mental Health: Therapeutic Principles
Drawn from Disaster Studies," seen quoted in "Notes
on bad weather and good government" by Rebecca Solnit, at
Harpers.org |