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Kiss The Sky :|
An intimate look
at mid-life crises, Buddhists
and misogyny.

Bridge to Nowhere
"We have been demoing Treehouse in our store. It's great
because it only takes about five minutes to demo and sales off
of that five minute demo are quite good. The biggest problem
is that our distributors are running out of Treehouse and the
Playing with Pyramids book." -- Diana Outwater,
The Game Habitat
Treehouse 2nd Edition |

you see the 3 of us at the Renn
Fair, which we attended this past weekend along with a random
assortment of friends. The expedition started when Ralph and
Mary said they were going this weekend, and we decided to tag
along. Various other friends of theirs met them at the fair,
too, and they grabbed a table in the White Hart Tavern and made
it a base of operations for their circle of friends all day,
and it was cool to be in on that. (By the way, it was Mary who
took this photo -- click on it to go to their FLICKR site for
pictures.) While at the Festival we also met up with various
other friends of ours, including Luisa,
Lori, and Izolda
(but missed finding others whom we'd heard were there but couldn't
It was a lovely day for a trip into the past, and we had a
most excellent time. As always, my favorite thing is the assortment
of yummy "authentic" medieval foods, and as usual,
I gorged myself. Alison's
favorite things are the shows, and we saw some great ones, the
best of which was Hilby, the skinny German
juggle boy, who was both impressive and hilarious. But the thing
Kristin was doing was actually the most useful and important
for us... she was getting strangers to test out the new rules
insert for Treehouse!
As you may know, Treehouse
is a relatively new Icehouse game which revolutionized
the way we sell Icehouse pieces. This
past spring we relaunched the Icehouse system with Treehouse
as the base unit, with the new version of the Icehouse tube now
consisting of a complete game, with the rules for the game printed
onto a pair of stickers added to the outside of the tube.
During the
Summer of the Cursed Trees, we taught a lot of people how
to play Treehouse,
and two things became very clear:
1) Treehouse is even better than we thought it was when we
first decided it was good enough to relaunch the system around.
People LOVE this game. Treehouse is making people buy Icehouse
pyramids like they never have before. It really is the killer
ap for the Icehouse system which we've been searching for all
these years. Treehouse is Fluxx
for the pyramids.
2.) The
minimal rules on the sides of the tube just aren't enough.
They make a fine reference if you already know how to play, and
any Gamers worth their salt (i.e. 4th Level or higher) can figure
it out just from what's on the tube; however, while the gameplay
of Treehouse is perfect for mainstream game-players, the rules
on the First Edition just aren't adequate for mainstream buyers
to learn from.
With these observations in mind, we've been preparing for
the 2nd Edition of Treehouse, which we'll be transitioning to
over the course of the next few weeks. Kristin
figured out to get a fairly big piece of paper (3.5" x 7.5")
produced by a company who makes little paper inserts like those
folded-up sheets of fine print you find inside pharmaceutical
products). The new rules will be small enough to actually be
tucked up inside the Treehouse tube, alongside the custom die.
It was this new
rulesheet that Kristin was testing at the Renn Fair, showing
it to strangers in the White Hart Tavern. And reactions have
been excellent!
For those with First Edition Treehouse
(or other types of Icehouse sets) who'd like to get a copy of
this great new version of the rules, we'll be making them available
a la carte at our website as soon as we get them in. Until then,
you can print your own copy by downloading the file you'll find
on the Treehouse Rules page.
In other news, the leaves are changing colors which means
the holidays are getting uncomfortably close, and that means
we're on the final push to get our games picked up by as many
new stores as we can before the holiday shopping season gets
underway. To this end, we're getting ready to launch a new Tell-A-Store
program, under which we'll give you Rabbit
Points for printing out a flyer about one of our current
specials, showing it to someone important at a store you think
should be selling our stuff, and providing us with contact info
for that store (along with that VIP's name). Please check back
for details, which will be available very soon, and thanks in
advance for any help you can provide us with!
for reading, and have a great week! |
I've been getting into a couple of new prime-time hour-long
game shows, both from the same production team: Deal or No Deal
and 1 vs. 100. I admire the design of both games, which are what
I call Push-Your-Luck style games. The first is all about luck,
whereas the second includes trivia, so if I could, I'd choose
for Kristin to be a contestant on Deal or No Deal, while I'd
like to be on 1 vs. 100. Why? Well, Kristin hates trivia, and
she's both lucky and good at push-your-luck games (our inspiration,
Wimpout, being a classic example), so I think she could do
really well on DoND. As for me, I'm good at trivia plus I really
like the 1 vs. 100 concept. I'd even be happy just with a chance
to be one of the 100, aka "the Mob." (Either way of
course, it'd be great to win some big bucks, since Looney Labs
needs investment
money yet again...) |
I've also been getting into this new show "Heroes,"
but the more I watch it the more I want it to be just about the
one hero with the power I'd want myself: the Japanese office
worker, named Hiro, who can bend the time-space continuum with
his brain. In fact, what I think would be perfect would be a
movie, rather than a weekly show, made up of just the scenes
featuring him. It would be called "Hiro." |

"What our deliberate, pluralistic democracy demands
is that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into
universal, rather than religion-specific, values. It requires
that their proposals must be subject to argument and amenable
to reason. If I am opposed to abortion for religious reasons
and seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot simply
point to the teachings of my church or invoke God's will and
expect that argument to carry the day. If I want others to listen
to me, then I have to explain why abortion violates some principle
that is accessible to peoples of all faiths, including those
with no faith at all. For those who believe in the inerrancy
of the Bible, as many evangelicals do, such rules of engagement
may seem just one more example of the tyranny of the secular
and material worlds over the sacred and eternal. But in a pluralistic
democracy, we have no choice." -- Senator
Barack Obama, seen quoted on page 60 of the October 23rd 2006
issue of Time Magazine (with him on the cover) |