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Ideas are Being Considered for Future Expansions?
"Persistence is what makes
the impossible possible," says Anon. "The possible
likely, and the likely definite. Did you know that, John?"
- patzer (paht'-sur) n.
an inept chess player. [from German patzer bungler, from
patzen to blunder.]
- Bruce Almighty :|
Omnipotent laughs
served with bland theology.
Bruce "Alrighty, then."
War Profiteers Card

"Wow, what a great game! It's probably one of the few
things my family will ACTUALLY come together to do for hours
on end. We even nudged my grandmother into playing a few hands.
Keep up the excellent work! And thank you again."
-- email from Derek R. regarding Fluxx


Kory Gets the First Zendo
Set |
been almost a year since we decided to publish Zendo,
and this week, we finally started assembling the first run of
finished game sets. Here you see Kory
taking possession of the first one we put together, one of the
first couple of dozen we assembled at ROI
when we delivered to them all the various pieces that go into
one of these beautiful green boxes. Soon the rest of the run
will be finished, and we will begin shipping them out to stores
We'll be debuting Zendo at Origins,
and we'll start offering it for sale here in our webstore on
July 3rd. In the meantime, we've got a Big
Experiment to prepare for!
Have a Great Week!