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- The Guinea Peg
cheval-de-frise (shuvv-'ahl-duh-'freez)
n. 1:a defense consisting of a timber or an iron barrel
covered with projecting spikes and often strung with barbed wire.
2: a protecting line (as of spikes) on top of a wall -- usually
used in plural: chevaux-de-frise. [from French, literally
"horse from Friesland."]

Word Wars :)
One deplores GERD sores.
Another, bored, prefers whores.
What's more, each nerd scores!
H-Wing CarFighter
The Supreme Court Ruled Against
Us |
On the anniversary of D-Day, once a landmark day in the history
of Freedom, the Supreme Court said it's OK for the federal government
to ignore state laws and arrest and imprison sick people who
use marijuana for medical reasons on their doctors' recommendations.
And with that ruling, we've gotten to our final straw. Being
acknowledged pot-smokers with genuine medical need (for Kristin's
migraines), we do not have freedom, and it's clear we won't
find justice, here in the United States of America. So, we're
going to move to Canada, at least for a while.
We'd been holding out hope that the Supreme Court would save
our country from the nightmare of marijuana
prohibition, but now that they've dashed that hope, we know
the time has come for us to go. For legalization activists,
the only approach left is to convince Congress to grant us freedom,
and obviously that's not going to happen for a really long time.
Instead of supporting medical marijuana patients, Congress
has already voted
against the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment, and now, they
are actively considering putting people in jail -- for a minimum
of 2 years! -- for failing to snitch on friends and family who
sell pot.
So, we're hoping to get out while the getting is still good.
Unfortunately, it's going to be awhile yet before we actually
go. We're pack-rats with a lot of stuff, and even though I've
packed numerous
boxes, it still feels like I've barely begun. (The packing
assistant job has not yet been filled, since I haven't had
a chance yet to interview any of the applicants I've gotten so
far... I'm hoping to choose someone who can start just after
we return from Origins.)
But with every box I fill, we get a little bit closer to leaving,
and eventually, we'll be ready to go.
As for where in Canada we will go, that's a topic we've been
debating for months. Our latest top choice is Montreal,
but we've already made
up our minds and changed them a couple of times at this point,
so who knows where we'll really end up. We're going to Montreal
next month to check it out...
Meanwhile, we need to start filing immigration paperwork and
asking Canada if they'll let us in. Does anyone know a good immigration
lawyer, ideally someone with small business experience? The Sales/Business
office of Looney Labs
will remain in College Park MD, and our Warehousing/Fulfillment
center is staying in Lorton VA, it's just the Creative team's
office that we're planning on moving. We're going to open a Canadian
office of Looney Labs, and move our family there to set it up
and run it. How hard can it be? I'm sure Kristin will figure
it out... :)
that's all for now. Have a Great Week,
and Thanks for Playing our Games! |
Viewed now as a whole, the 6-part Star Wars saga becomes
the biography of one man, beginning as it does when that man
was a boy and following his life story through until his death.
Thus, he who was once merely the villain of the piece has now
become its hero, the main character. (George currently dismisses
all talk of ever making Episodes 7-9, but I think that's just
to get people off his back for awhile... I expect in 10 or 20
years we'll finally see that final trilogy, which will again
change the focus, making C-3PO the ultimate main character of
the epic.) |
"We know we're moving. We need space. We crave change.
We seek adventures. But where shall we go? We can run our internet-based
company from anywhere, making the possibilities endless. So people
wonder why we're considering Canada. 'Protesting Bush?' they
assume. 'Medical marijuana,' we reply. It provides unparalleled
relief for my wife in her battle with severe migraine headaches...
when we can get it for her, which we don't have the freedom to
do here in the States. So, as we await the Supreme Court's ruling
on Raich v. Ashcroft, I'm packing boxes, wondering where we will
go..." -- Now-obsolete 100 word autobiography
I submitted to the Washington Post's "Life is Short"
feature |
"If you don't come in on Saturday, don't bother coming
in on Sunday." -- Jeffrey Katzenberg, seen
quoted in "The Dream Works Machine," Wired Magazine,
June 2005 |
"Independent board game designer and publisher
Andrew Looney presents some very hard-learned and heart-felt
lessons about what you'll be going through while making your
Graded Course Project for this class. The best part is that he's
an entertaining (as well as informative) read. We played his
Fluxx game in class." -- comments about
Andy's "11
Game Design Principles" article which is featured on
the research reading list for a
game design class |